Apex Cycling has often attributed part of their success to proper nutrition both before the race and during the race. Finding a balance between nutrition, taste, and ease of use can be difficult. They have graciously offered to share some of their recipes with us here is their Maple Rice Cakes.
Cook 2 cups of Short Grain Rice (Arborio or Pudding Rice) in Rice Cooker w/ 4 cups of water, 1/4 cup Anderson’s Maple Syrup, 1/3 tsp of cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg for flavor
Add 2 TBLS of coconut oil and 1 cup of Cream Cheese to cooked rice and mix together.

Layout on cling film on a baker’s tray. Press the cooked rice, oil, and cream cheese mixture onto a baker’s tray in a large, square slab.
Cool tray overnight and the next day divide into parcels. Keeps for 3 days in an airtight container.