It might be Cabin fever, it might be inspired by some of our customers and sponsored athletes, but we decided to do some giveaways this summer.
Birkie Registration
Simply add your email address on the giveaway page and we will randomly pick one winner from everyone that has submitted.
Caption Contest

We teamed up with some sponsored athletes to create a caption contest on social media. To enter this follow us on the social Media Then place a comment on the picture.
You can see all the rules here

In case you are wondering this week’s prize is 4 packs of pure fuel a Pure Fuel neck gaiter made by Borah, and a Pure Fuel Decal.
If you want to try your meme skills you can try your luck on Pure fuel’s and Anderson’s Maple Syrup’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
We are still offering a BOGO for pure fuel on our website. Put 2 trays in your cart and you get one of the 2 for free. Just have to pay shipping for the second one.
There will be more to come. make sure to follow us on social media to stay up to date on everything going on.