Pure Maple Syrup used as an energy drink during high-intensity exercise has a positive impact on cognitive flexibility.

A clinical study by Dupuy and Tremblay of the University of Montreal published in August, 2019 set out to compare maple products to the usual carbohydrate solutions used by endurance athletes.  

“Maple syrup contains various polyphenols (phenolic acids, flavonols, lignans, etc) which are known for their antioxidant properties, but have also been suggested to improve cognition.  To the best of our knowledge, no studies have so far investigated the effect of maple products on physiological and cognitive responses during exercise.”

As a result, researchers set out to compare the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) drinks sweetened with maple (syrup or sap) to a commercial sports drink, glucose, and a control solution (water) on cognitive flexibility during high-intensity intermittent exercise.  The results showed that there was no difference in perceived exertion or blood glucose level.  All the studied drinks had a positive impact on reaction time and accuracy.  However, only “ingestion of maple products led to a very large decrease in reaction time during the recovery period”. 

Read the full article here