My very first Triathlon experience turned out to be great! I was coming from marathon running and the balance of swim, bike, run training was a welcome change. But the gear! WOW! I was used to just putting on my shoes and making sure I had enough water/nutrition for my run, I had no idea how to organize all that stuff! And how do you find your bike after running out of the water? Thankfully, I was able to find a group that had both novices and experienced triathletes in it. Their advice and encouragement was phenomenal. A few things I learned: Practice with all your gear. Lay your shoes out with some extra water and a towel to wipe your feet. Put baby powder inside your shoes and/or socks. Mark your bike somehow, by remembering its location on the rack and/or putting something bright on it (balloon, towel, etc). The very best advice I received went something like this;
Remember when you hit the water, you are going to panic. It’s normal. Accept it, breathe and move through. It will pass and your training will carry you the rest of the way.
Maybe that’s good advice for life—you will panic, accept it, breathe and move through, you will be carried along.

Christine Anderson
Food Safety Manager
Anderson’s Maple Syrup