Why Use Maple Syrup?

One of the questions we receive a lot is; Why would I use Maple syrup during my (insert physical activity)?

To answer this question, it might help to know how the body works during a time of physical exertion. Fat takes too long to convert to energy, so the body uses carbs stored in the bloodstream and muscles. The body can only store so many carbs in it at a time. Depending on how hard you are going you can have enough carbs to last for 90 minutes to 2 hours. That is where energy gels come in. Energy gels are primarily simple sugars so your body can digest them quickly and use the energy the sugars provide. Pure Maple Syrup is an all-natural source of simple sugars that is easy to digest. There are other compounds that are naturally present in Pure Maple Syrup that other gels have added to also aid your body but that is another topic.

So the simple answer to why would I take Pure Maple Syrup during my run or bike ride or triathlon is because your body needs it to keep performing at top condition and it doesn’t hurt that it is delicious.